Index Products Protocols E-marker CPS8821F



USB full-feature type-C cables

Passive type-C Cables

The CPS8821F is an electronically marked ID for both passive and active full-feature USB Type-C cables. This IC supports structured VDM Discover Identity Command directed to SOP’ and SOP’’, which provides a method to determine the characteristics of the cable, i.e. current-carrying capability, vendor identification, USB signal transmission speed, etc.

Key Spec. & Features
Key Spec.
Part Number CPS8821F
CC Voltage 33V
VCONN Voltage 33V
VCONN Power 2.75 - 5.5 V
Thunderbolt Support
Protocols USB 4.0 PD3.1/雷电3/雷电4
Package DFN-8

Support USB Type-C 2.1, PD3.1, Thunderbolt 3, USB4 compliant

Support SOP’, SOP’’ communication

Authentication by VCONN source

Power supply: 2.7 - 5.5V operation

VCONN and VCC range -0.3 - 33V

Integrated VCONN ISO diodes and Ra

In-cable Multi OTP programming through CC

High-DC tolerant and short-to-VBUS protection on VCONN1/2 and CC pins.

8kV ESD on high voltage pins.

Ambient temperature range -40 - 85 ˚C

Package: DFN-8L 2mm x 2mm